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Brothers Donathan (Part Four) #25: A Stupid Day

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They hop theaters, don't they?
December 8, 2009

It went up around midday yesterday, so if anyone didn't see my guest comic at Theater Hopper, then check it out now while it still has prime real estate on the front page.

Tom Brazelton was one of the first "webcomickers" that I got to talking to way back when I was doing my first webcomic, whose name we wish not to recall. It was a nice leg-up while this medium was still in some-what of wild west days - venturing into a new frontier.

Without a doubt, Tom's been a better friend to me then I've been to him. At a moments notice, I've always felt I could go to him for support with whatever project I was working on at the time - whereas I have this little habit of disappearing suddenly (perhaps you've seen this trick?)

But the main reason for writing this now - with coincidently lines up with the same reason why he's doing the guest series, is because there's now a second baby in the Brazelton family tree - Pearl, a few-days-old young woman.

Now, between a happy marriage and 2.5 children (the .5 is Truman, the Beagle), this family is practically nuclear! Mix that with having just claim to the phrase "the longest running movie-themed comic online" and it would seem that the world is Tom's oyster. Luckily, he found the pearl.

Have thoughts on the comic? Send an email!

Instant Classic Entertainment
A series of comics on life, love, and film • Written and illustrated by Brian Carroll • Updates weekly - tell your friends!
Design: Brian Carroll • Original PHP: Ted Hahn
Instant Classic © 2003-2010 Brian Carroll