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Brothers Donathan (Part Two) #13: For You, Dulcinea!

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The Big Push
August 27, 2007

Today marks a special day. Today is the day for a big announcement!

Having been doing Genrezvous Point for a nice run now has reminded me of one thing: I love doing Instant Classic.

Allow me to explain: I've been doing this comic for four and a half years now. People who have stuck by me for this long will know that I haven't been the greatest at keeping up with my update schedule. I admit that this is ridiculous and it's now time for me to get serious. I love this project far too much and now I want to see if I can dedicate myself to it - heart and soul.

I'm committed to this and am ready to begin as soon as I am given the opportunity to do so. Ultimately, however, this all falls on the shoulders of the readers of these comics. I think Instant Classic can be great, I think it can be really something else. I'm asking for the chance to do it.

The comics, of course, will always be free for viewing, this is just a way that I hope to give you more of them.

Have thoughts on the comic? Send an email!

Instant Classic Entertainment
A series of comics on life, love, and film • Written and illustrated by Brian Carroll • Updates weekly - tell your friends!
Design: Brian Carroll • Original PHP: Ted Hahn
Instant Classic © 2003-2010 Brian Carroll